MantisBT - Multiplayer
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0000036MultiplayerClientpublic2014-08-09 02:152015-01-04 14:08
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PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version[Tomb Raider Mod Launcher] 0.1.2 alpha 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000036: Enemies, Pushable objects and the use of Key/Puzzle aren't syncronized
DescriptionWhen 2 or more players are playing any level, the things mentioned on the summary are not synchronized at all.
Steps To ReproducePlayer 1 uses an Puzzle Item on the Puzzle hole to open an door. Player 2 doesn't see any action occuring from Player 1, and nothing happens for him.
For the enemies, the trigger works individually (it seems that sometimes the enemies are synchronized for the 2 Players, but it is rare).
For the pushable objects, it's the same effect of the puzzle/key. Player 1 pushes/pulls the object and it moves, but for the Player 2 the object stays put, and can't push/pull the object at all.
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2015-01-04 14:08   
I have the same issue and I think it should be repair as quick as it is possible, cuz this make the game unplayable in some part. I found that only if trigger for enemies appear will be activated in the same time by different players, then it's very possible that enemies will be synchronised in some parts. I found that if some players kill enemies and then other players activate trigger again then enemies will appear again but only for those players who activate them.

Issue History
2014-08-09 02:15Xiko15New Issue
2014-08-09 13:30lucasc190Statusnew => confirmed
2015-01-04 14:08ayu2hamiNote Added: 0000016